Thoongavanam packed with the National Award Winners Kamalhaasan and Prakash Raj energizing the pulp with the shades of Face to Face bonding .Kamalhaasan had always amazed with the characters he had played and he is back with the cop roles after the celebrated police officers from Vettayad Vilayadu,Kuruthi Punal & Kakki Chattai .CK Diwakar who had shades at first stealing the drugs from the mafia for a whooping sum of money and later getting dragged to the night club for lending the drug bag in exchange with his kidnapped son.A simple plot but made in international standards with all bangs and gun shots placed in the appropriate terms.
Thoongavanam packed with the National Award Winners Kamalhaasan and Prakash Raj energizing the pulp with the shades of Face to Face bonding .Kamalhaasan had always amazed with the characters he had played and he is back with the cop roles after the celebrated police officers from Vettayad Vilayadu,Kuruthi Punal & Kakki Chattai .CK Diwakar who had shades at first stealing the drugs from the mafia for a whooping sum of money and later getting dragged to the night club for lending the drug bag in exchange with his kidnapped son.A simple plot but made in international standards with all bangs and gun shots placed in the appropriate terms.
The movie which is being co produced and written by Kamal himself was the official remake of the 2011 French Action thriller Sleepless Nights .The speedy thriller consists of other leading casts Thrisha,Kishore,Sampath,Madhu Shalini and Asha Sharath ,all of them had given their performances in a very fair manner.Although there are repeatitve moments in the movie the jaw breaking action sequences makes the viewer deviate from the loose feels on the movie. Sanu John Varghese who had earlier show cased his visual magic through Kamalhaasan's Viswaroopam ,had given another quick movements in his cinematography and also by the cuts given by Shan Mohammed and the thrilling factors takes place when the OST track by Gibran gets played in the thrilling moments .it is shocking to see the 61 year old Kamalji doing the breath taking actions at ease manner at his age limits and the cool entry in the climax brings goose bumps all over
Empty your minds be formless,shapeless like water .If you put water into the cup it becomes the cup.Everyone loves the qute and if there is anyone likethe quote without doubts you can bisect your perpendicular lines on none other than the ULAGANAYAKAN and another meaty role that is being played with him was his son Vasu with some wits and some strong emotions on the spaces.
On the whole Thoongavanam looks to be a long night, is a happening one in one's life.
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